Payment Requests

Receive Invoices and pay instantly

Whether you expect to pay 10 or 1000+ recipients globally, our Payment Request Links allow you to get all the information you need to assess Payment Requests, evaluate validity and approve them in a few clicks.

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One unique sharable link for multiple invoices

No need to collect multiple account details

With your unique sharable Payment Request Link, you can receive invoices from an infinite number of people with relevant details like name, amount being requested, reason for request, and an email to pay to in one click.


Save time - evaluate validity and pay in one click

Your payment requests will be listed in your Chimoney dashboard with the key details you need to assess. All you need to do is approve or cancel the requested payment in a single click. Yes, we’re really making it that simple.


Perfect for around-the-clock Payment needs

Chimoney Payment Requests streamline payments for Community Leads, Managers, HR Professionals, Donor Organizations, Finance Heads, and Event Organizers. Say goodbye to complex platforms and manual tracking, automate your workflow with Chimoney


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Send bulk disbursements

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